Each bag is about 11.5 by 14 inches, and have two different zippered compartments: one for dry items, and one for wet. The bags are made out of Polyester, and are waterproof. Its quality if visible. I’m sure as my son keeps growing I will find other uses for these adorable bags. The wet and dry bags also have a very convenient elastic handle which comes handy because it allows for the bags to be easily attached to other things or items. Overall, I have no complaints about these bags nor would I change anything about it. It works wonders for my alternate use. These bags are also wonderful for when going to the pool or lake, I can bring a change of clothes for my son in one of the bags, and simply drop his wet swim-wear in the same bag when we are done which eliminates many headaches.
Disclosure: I received this item in exchange for my sincere, impartial testing, and assessment. My opinion is always based on mine, and my family’s experiences with the product. I have no relationship with the seller, and there were no promises regarding the outcome of my review.
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