My husband loves making bread with our toddler as his helper. He has been slowly pushing away the use of the bread maker machine because they
have more fun doing everything themselves. While researching for his next experiment, he found out about the Danish Dough Whisks and told me about it. So when I saw this set of two whisks I knew it would be a nice surprise
for him. This whisks have wooden handles that are pretty thick; The whisks as a whole, from top to bottom, are 13 inches. Its hooks are made out of Stainless Steel, and are very sturdy, it does not give at all. I tried helping
them, and got to use the whisks but not for too long as once the dough starts going it was too hard for me. But my husband had no issues. The whisk does not get blocked by the dough as a regular one would. I will probably
try it for my cake baking as it looked so much easier to mix all the ingredients without it getting clogged. As recommended, we clean it by rinsing it by hand with soap and water. It cleans fairly easy, way easier than a regular
whisk if you ask me. My husband is happy with his new baking tools.
Disclosure: I received this item at a deducted price in exchange for my sincere, impartial testing, and assessment. My opinion is always based
on mine, and my family’s experiences with the product. I have no relationship with the seller, and there were no promises regarding the outcome of my review.
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